Products for the preparation of solid wood components
DROLET CNC Equipment offers a wide variety of high-end machinery for the preapration of the hardwood material components. We are able to provide the perfect solution to ensure that your projects are achieved in a cost-effective manner
Transformez du bois avec des équipements performants
DROLET Équipement CNC propose une grande variété de machines haut de gamme pour le la préparation de composantes de bois solide. Nous sommes en mesure de trouver la bonne solution pour vos besoins.
The Cameron Automation Rip-One is a complete lumber scanning, optimization, and gang ripping work cell designed for smaller shops. It increases productivity dramatically by transforming gang [...]
Machine unlike any other. Random flooring strips are fed in one end and nested bundles are produced at the other end. In addition to producing bundles of varying length and width, the Cameron [...]
The Quick Chop is a complete and affordable push feed chop saw optimization system. There is three stages of operation provide for a faster production rate. VIDEO
Cameron Automation offers a wide array of gang ripping options for your Rough Mill. Advantages of a Cameron Machine: Increase in Yield due to Auto-Skewing Bent and Crooked Boards. Cutting Edge [...]